Green Jobs
Naša škola sa zapojila po minuloročnom úspechu v eTwinning projektoch a získaní národného certifikátu opäť do nového medzinárodného eTwinning projektu s názvom Green jobs. Na projekte spolupracujú naši žiaci 9. ročníka pod vedením pani učiteľky Mgr. Pavelkovej. Partnerské školy sú zo Španielska, Talianska a Turecka. Projekt je celoročný. Na propagáciu projektu na škole zapojení žiaci vytvorili pre ostatných spolužiakov eTwinning kútik, kde umiestnili eTwinning poster so základnými informáciami o projekte.
Nowadays economies are in transition. The covid-19 pandemic has pushed governments to transform their national economies into something more sustainable with the objective of adapting their structures to new challenges. In this context, the labor market needs to be redesigned, promoting a just transition to a green economy towards decent work in a sustainable, low-carbon world. Taking into account this concept, the United Nations proposes that educational institutions work into 3 key actions: Knowledge enhancement, skills and competency development, and job opportunities. This project aims to introduce the concept of green jobs to students while promoting the needed learning competencies to transform students into effective change agents in an inclusive society and green economy. In conclusion, students will develop skills and knowledge while reducing job mismatch by creating a green job program transition for entrepreneurship and enterprises.
To Analyze the “just transition” concept in the labor market.
To discover the importance of flexibility in present economies.
To raise environmental awareness in order to become active citizens.
To establish links between environment and economy.
To get students involved in real actions related to the green economy.
To create a final digital product based on ICT tools.
To strengthen the English speaking and writing skills in real context through environmental questions: our students will be able to understand the main points of clear texts in standard language, manage most situations linked to the topic where English is used as well as produce organized texts and describe experiences, events, wishes and aspirations, and explain opinions and plans.
To enhance creative thinking skills in a collaborative way.
To improve ICT skills with the objective of contributing to ICT competent students. to develop “learning to learn “European competence”
Dátum zverejnenia 24.1.2023
Získali sme za náš medzinárodný eTwinning projekt Green jobs národný certifikát kvality
V tomto školskom roku 2023/2024 opäť pokračujeme na našom eTwinning projekte Green jobs. Žiaci spolupracujú v medzinárodných tímoch, spolupracujú so žiakmi z Talianska, Španielska, Francúzska a Turecka. Spoločne pracujú na úlohách, tvoria logá, postery, slogany, kvízy.
Medzinárodný eTwinnig projekt Green jobs získal ocenenia vo všetkých kategóriách! Národný certifikát kvality, Európsky certifikát kvality a aj Žiacky certifikát kvality! Z tohto úspechu sa nesmierne tešíme a motivuje nás do ďalších eTwinning projektov so zahraničnými partnermi.